Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Lesson

It's Spring Break here and my family and I started celebrating the hour we got off from work.  My child put in to go golfing!  So, we packed up his set of clubs and hopped on our neighbor's golf cart and went bumping across the back field behind our house to the club!  I rested under the cool shade of the golf cart as I watched my husband giving this year's golfing lesson.  I know my husband's dad and Papa would have been proud!
So sweet!
 And he just missed the hole!

Love how he holds his lips when he is concentrating!
Another quick tip.
It doesn't matter what sport he is playing, soccer, baseball, golf... he always has this smile.  He is just happy to be playing!  Love that spirit!
When all else fails the "Happy Gilmore" approach is always fun!
This outing served it's purpose it helped relax us adults and my child walked away feeling like a champion with his sweet smile!
I am booking up weekends for spring family and senior pictures. If you are interested let me know!

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